Please note you don't have to use a softphone in order to use our VoIP service. You can use "Webcall", "ANI callback" or "SMS callback" without any software.
Linksys PAP2 Configuration | Zoiper Configuration | Nokia N Series sip | Gigaset A580IP manual | Netcomm NB9_NB9W | Netcom v300 | Billion 7404 | Cisco ATA 186/188 | Netgear DG834DV | 3CX VOIP phone | 3CX for iPhone

Installing and Configuring SipDroid on Android

Download and install the SipDroid from the Google Play stor into your Android phone: SipDroid phone for Android
  1. Press "menu"==>"Settings" and select "Line 1" under "SIP Account".
  2. Enter your 10-digit ClicknCall user name under "Authorization Username" or "Username".
  3. Enter the password as shown in the original welcome email you received from ClicknCall.
  4. Enter into the "Server" field
  5. Tick "Use WLAN" and "USE 3G".
SipDroid for Android

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